February 2010

Matthew Gavin Frank


Matthew Gavin Frank is the author of Barolo (University of Nebraska Press), Sagittarius Agitprop (Black Lawrence Press, 2009), and the chapbooks Four Hours to Mpumalanga (Pudding House Publications), and Aardvark (West Town Press). Recent work appears in The New Republic, Field, Epoch, Crazyhorse, Indiana Review, North American Review, Pleiades, Prairie Schooner, AGNI, Hotel Amerika, The Best Food Writing 2006, The Best Travel Writing 2008, Creative Nonfiction, Gastronomica, and others.


Fortunately, I did not miss second base
or Jason Brand's rib, second
from the bottom, with the heel
of Dad's nine-iron. Fortune
is everywhere today—not only
in the breaking of a bone, the sound
so much like the pencils we break
against our foreheads in art class,
our first exposure to physics
and perspective, a bridge receding
into a charcoal thumbprint smudge—but
in screen doors slamming, in the lilac
bush alive with bees and the copper flying things
we don't yet have names for. In fieldmice.



Matthew Gavin Frank: Poetry
Copyright ©2010 The Cortland Review Issue 46The Cortland Review