Issue > Poetry
Edward Nudelman

Edward Nudelman

Edward Nudelman's most recent book, What Looks Like an Elephant, was published by Lummox Press in 2011. Night Fires was a semifinalist for the Journal Award (OSU Press) and published by Pudding House in 2010. His poems have recently appeared in Valparaiso Review, Evergreen Review, Chiron Review, Plainsongs, Atlanta Review, Floating Bridge, and Poets and Artists. He lives with his wife, Susan, a couple towns North of Boston.

From A Car, Gazing At My Boyhood House

I think I can see my bedroom's peeling wallpaper,
the gaps around my bed, the penned-in notes
to Lynnette and later Marla.  I can hear the night's creepy
hush interrupted by my alarm clock's sticking second-hand,
feel my stocking-clad feet gliding over cold slate
and reaching the refrigerator door to regain balance.
And there's my mother and father at the top of the stairs.
She's lipping a burned-out cigarette and he's on a box
trying to wrest a light bulb from the broken socket.


Willie Lin


Edward Nudelman
From a Car, Gazing...


Shirley Brewer
Mixing Manhattans in Heaven