Greetings from AWP
The Cortland Review presents video greetings from some of the attendees and presenters at the AWP 2013 Bookfair.

David Moody (The Southwest Review), Stephanie Wehe & Lindsay Rose Moore (West Wind Review), Jenna Fisher, Tony Leuzzi (Boa Editions), Caroline Casey (Coffee House Press), Chris Antzoulis (Lumina/Sarah Lawrence College), Mary Gannon & Kevin Larimer Poets & Writers), Kelly Forsythe (Copper Canyon Press), Maudelle Driskell (Frost Place), Nicole Terez Dutton, Bruce Beasley.

Directed, Edited, Shot by
Guy Shahar


Dorianne Laux
Lake Havasu


Aracelis Girmay
Kingdom Animalia


David Kirby
Senior Coffee