Issue > Poetry
Alan Britt

Alan Britt

Alan Britt's recent books are Greatest Hits (2010), Hurricane (2010), Vegetable Love (2009), Vermilion (2006), plus the new anthologies, American Poets Against the War (Metropolitan Arts Press, 2009) and Vapor transatlántico (Transatlantic Steamer), a bi-lingual anthology of Latin American and North American poets (Hofstra University Pres, 2009).

First Date

Hungry blackbirds crowded your eyebrows
that summer night below the Lake Worth pier.

How we ended up there was strictly
the result of Joe Watson choosing Meg Eno over you,
a virtual flip of the blind date coin,
but for all I remember you lost a shoe,
somehow, or someone lost a sandal
perched atop a sandstone wall,
one right sandal missing two legs,
abandoned, as goldfinches stained your moonlit eyes,
your waist absorbing Lake Worth humidity,
wild ochre sand blistering our skin,
as our lips discovered over and over again.