Issue > Poetry
Dara Barnat

Dara Barnat

Dara Barnat is an American poet who lives in Tel Aviv. Her work appears in diode, Poet Lore, Crab Orchard Review, Flyway, The Collagist, Los Angeles Review of Books and elsewhere. Dara’s chapbook, Headwind Migration, was released by Pudding House Publications in 2009. The same year, she received a scholarship from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference. Dara teaches poetry and creative writing in the Department of English and American Studies at Tel Aviv University.

What Happens Before Anything

So many things happen before
anything happens; water climbs

a hundred degrees before it boils,
like my mother cried every

night for fifteen years, before
she left my father, like Suzanne  

kept drinking and taking drugs, until
her heart gave out. When

I learned about Suzanne's heart,
I was walking across campus,

my arms filled with books.
Just then I felt the weight she

must have carried, piled on
like snowflakes, light at first.


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