Issue > Poetry
Danielle Hanson

Danielle Hanson

Danielle Hanson received her MFA from Arizona State University. Her book Ambushing Water is forthcoming from Brick Road Poetry Press. Her work has appeared in over 45 journals and anthologies, including Hubbub, Poet Lore, Asheville Poetry Review and Blackbird. Currently, she is on the editorial staff for Loose Change Magazine. She has edited Hayden's Ferry Review and been a resident at The Hambidge Center. 

Why Are Dead Cockroaches Always Lying Supine?

Does a curling happen after death,
A wrapping around of the universe?
Or does the roach, knowing it no longer needs
To protect its soft underside,
Offer its belly up to the sky?
Or is this how the soul escapes,
Like plague dead in a fresco,
Pulled through the mouth, pale, limp and wet?
A cockroach walks on the bottomside of clouds.


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