Issue > Poetry
Angela Narciso Torres

Angela Narciso Torres

Angela Narciso Torres, author of Blood Orange (Willow Books Literature Award/Poetry), has recent or forthcoming work in POETRY, Missouri Review, and Quarterly West. A graduate of Warren Wilson’s MFA Program and Harvard Graduate School of Education, Angela has received fellowships from Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference and Ragdale Foundation. Born in Brooklyn and raised in Manila, she edits for RHINO and reads for New England Review.

Via Negativa

The air in a room after
a door closes. The cavern
of silence following the last clap.
What occupies a glass when
it's emptied. Two equal parts —
the difference between. The void
housed by a heart squeezed of longing.
The period.          The white after it.
A name at the tip of your tongue.
The lobe vacated by the missing
earring. The no one at the end
of a phone ringing. When a painting
is removed, its cream shadow,
unbleached by sun.


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