Feature > Poetry > Jonathan Aaron
Jonathan Aaron

Jonathan Aaron

Jonathan Aaron has written three books of poems, most recently Journey To the Lost City (Ausable Press, 2009), and is working on a fourth. He lives in Cambridge, MA and teaches on the undergraduate and graduate levels at Emerson College. He admires Stephen Dunn for his constant capacity to surprise on the page and for his blithe pugnacity on the tennis court.


—for Stephen
The rain lets up. Bright shafts of sunlight
plunge through shiny leaves of birch and white oak.
I turn off the lamp on my desk as the birds
start up again, a woodthrush, a baltimore oriole.
How I like it here in my cabin in the woods,
a glass of water within reach, a kettle on a shelf,
coffee in a tin if I want to brew myself a cup.

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