August 2007

Charles Coté


Charles Coté is a clinical social worker in private practice from Rochester, NY. Publication credits include: Blueline, Free Lunch, Identity Theory, Modern Haiku, Connecticut River Review, Adagio Verse Quarterly, and HazMat Review. Christine Hauptly, violinist for the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, who helped with the technical details of this poems, plays Antonio Vivaldi's Concerto Op. 4 No. 1 on this recording.
La Stravaganza (Sogno!)    

In my dream I arrive late
for school, one shoe
missing, no shirt,
wearing a bow tie.  
The teacher points
her finger and hands
me a violin; the strings
vibrate the belly plate,
smell of freshly varnished teak.
A cat cries, the bow
thrums my neck,
in the hall. The bell rings,
time for recess. I play
a Vivaldi concerto, a baroque
piece, one against the many
children pushing for a turn
on the see-saw,
the swings of arms
and legs, of moods, a Sonata
form waiting for cadenza.
I am the son of a violinist
who played
at St. Mark's Cathedral.
Because of my asthma, I gave up
being a priest and play
instead a ritornello.
Later on I plan to kiss
that Pietà girl
over by the monkey bars.



Charles Coté: Poetry
Copyright ©2007 The Cortland Review Issue 36The Cortland Review