Issue > Poetry
John Wall Barger

John Wall Barger

John Wall Barger’s poems have appeared in The Cincinnati Review, Rattle and The Montreal Prize Global Poetry Anthology and are forthcoming in Subtropics and Tampa Review. His second book, Hummingbird (Palimpsest Press, 2012), was a finalist for the Raymond Souster Award.

An Old Man In Black Slippers At Rush Hour

inches uphill, metal trolley heaped
with meat. His eyes like furnace flues.
He takes a deep drag from
the cigarette between his knuckles,
hovering amid the shoppers
like a Hiroshige hawk, claws dangling.
A woman with a look of studied
indifference brushes against him
& winces, flicking her sleeve clean
as if after his beheading
she had mistakenly dipped
her handkerchief in his blood.


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