Issue > Poetry
Liza Katz

Liza Katz

Liza Katz's poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Poetry Northwest, Vinyl, Poet Lore, Omniverse, the Battersea Review and elsewhere. She is an ESL teacher in Perth Amboy, New Jersey.

Allston Street

October bruises the old oak with a wash of paint,
then browns and burns it, each leaf a skewer point.

How many birds beckon over Allston and Kelton Streets?
Feathers burrow into cracks of gold in the stratus,

the furrowed sky. I shift my gaze to a balcony below,
where a woman's finger trails the migration south, and follow

the jagged line it makes. She murmurs something,
muted by my window, to the child on the porch swing.

I weld them a dialogue, suture a script together,
though the words are clipped by traffic, left to gather

on the curb. I'll rake them later. Evening brings a crescendo
of engines, of trolley cars, of siren trills. From my window

I watch the moon rise and the woman and child retreat
to a room without rush hour, a haven over Allston Street.


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