Issue > Poetry
Don Schofield

Don Schofield

Don Schofield’s poems, essays and translations have appeared in numerous American journals. His books include Approximately Paradise (University Press of Florida, 2002), Kindled Terraces: American Poets in Greece (Truman State University Press, 2004) and The Known: Selected Poems of Nikos Fokas, 1981 – 2000 (Ypsilon Press, 2010). He currently lives in Thessaloniki, Greece.

Young De Chirico Dreaming

                         Born in Volos, Greece, 1888

He knows the early morning squares of Volos,
their shadows and tall buildings. How the arches
can go on forever. The church bells' silence
as curve by curve the statues turn toward light

to hear the oracle, who always says,
"A terror and a joy, such emptiness
can heal. It works inside of us to bring
to each of us the different states of mind
we need: the hiss, the grunt, the purr." And so

he finds another life, a place beyond
bewilderment, where moles with tiny teeth
rip through the earth, snails leave a glinting trail....

He doesn't know the face his waking forms
or why he has to hear those tinny bells.


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