Water people, water upon water sound, the creek music,
Who doesn't love them?
Only the deaf, I guess, or wind people,
Their strings over the desert sands, and the deep canyon blow-bys.
Who among us can welcome sorrow,
or the sadness of dirt?
Well, empty yourself of all that, empty yourself of yourself.
There are some things that cannot be spoken of,
or thought about.
Winter Feature 2012 -
Feature -
Poetry - Lucie Brock-Broido
- Patrick Cotter
- Kate Daniels
- Carl Dennis
- Paul Guest
- Mark Halliday
- Tony Hoagland
- Stephen Kuusisto
- Dorianne Laux
- Thomas Lux
- Campbell McGrath
- Jane Mead
- Debra Nystrom
- Sophia Orr
- Gregory Orr
- Molly Peacock
- Barbara Ras
- Mary Ann Samyn
- Lisa Russ Spaar
- David St. John
- Larissa Szporluk
- Mary Szybist
- Chase Twichell
- Charles Wright
Book Review