Issue > Poetry
Margaret LeMay-Lewis

Margaret LeMay-Lewis

Margaret LeMay-Lewis’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Another Chicago Magazine, Little Village, Transom, and elsewhere. Her work was shortlisted for the 2007 Four Way Books Levis Prize and the 2011 Discovery/the Boston Review Poetry Prize. She lives in Iowa City.

Minor Park

and the wildflowers burst purple and lace
flagging the interstate

when the sun's low and our sky breathes
I wonder whether the skills are such I could take on

the full country of paved roads
my own hands, my own

tires. I tell you this as I connect you were with
you are like a constellation,
the age we in fact now are
a minor vision and codas

I realized the night previous who and how
much is taken as sum total

granted, as firmament, stars
and crescents etching accumulate cuts,

your silhouette cuffing the cloud blanket

dusking the river in dusk.


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