Issue > Poetry
Sharon Bentley

Sharon Bentley

Sharon Bentley is the author of the chapbook Looped (Beard of Bees Press, 2012). Her work has appeared in Two With Water and The Spoon River Poetry Review. She lives in Chicago, Illinois.

What Happened Next

We crossed water reeds.
Parasites in shallows
pulled us noonward.
And we sang—

They were shadows.
They were shadows,
and it was downward.

In the Lot

Standing in the dim,
you hear a copper cry.

This case is closed.
Whistle now, shy

and walk away.
Please hurry.

Buzzing Sound

They loom. Already the crowd
across the fairground sways�
quick shifting. If Carl lets go
his squint, he can see the lean.

He makes space, arms akimbo,
and watches his mare step
slowly to the wind.

She flares her nostrils
and whinnies,
and he opens the stall
and waits.

In another moment,
they are gone.


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