Issue > Fiction
Grant Faulkner

Grant Faulkner

Grant Faulkner is executive director of National Novel Writing Month and the founding editor of 100 Word Story. His writing has appeared in The Southwest Review, Poets & Writers, PANK, and Gargoyle, among others, and he was selected for Wigleaf’s Top 50 in 2011.


When Rex thought of Claudia, he felt like a cheerleader with Tourette's Syndrome. Words exuberantly chased each other from his mind to his mouth, bounding and yelling with glee. The barbs of the tattoos on his biceps melted and dripped. His legs flexed, ready to jump. But then the words caught in his throat, choking him, too many sentences darting from too many different directions. To think he had once wanted to be a romantic crooner, a modern-day Dean Martin. He rested the telephone in its cradle. He put down his pen. He'd just have to hope that she knew.


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