Was a cubit long and weighed half as much as an average newborn U.S. baby.
Who sold it to her remains a matter of police conjecture, a "collector," most likely, or a friend in need
Of cash; no receipt ever surfaced. What she did between the time she got it and the act
Adds little to the picture: coffee at McDonalds, a few words exchanged with a balding man in an army
Jacket outside the 7-11 on Broadway, no phone calls, no letter. When my mother got the
News she was hanging sheets to dry on the backyard clothes line; neighbors heard her
Cry two blocks over and thought a cat had died. (Where, exactly, Father spent that afternoon: c.f
Conjecture.) How Irish-pretty she was, pale, petite, kind, smart and slyly funny are duly noted now on
Her birthday, in photographs and little tales that end in tears that end in silence: we the cage
And Rilke's panther pacing there, a thousand bars and beyond the bars no world but why.
Issue 64
Editor's Note
- Jose Angel Araguz
- Weston Cutter
- Liz Dolan
- Andrew Grace
- Elizabeth T. Gray, Jr.
- Alex Greenberg
- Carolyn Guinzio
- Kathleen Hellen
- Susan L Kolodny
- Daniel Lawless
- Susannah Lawrence
- Cynthia Manick
- Lyndsie Manusos
- D Nurkse
- Merit O'Hare
- Kryssa Schemmerling
- Sara Slaughter
- R. T. Smith
- Nicole Tong
- Marcus Whalbring
- Mimi White
- David Rigsbee On The Poetry Of John Skoyles
- David Rigsbee reviews My Tranquil WAr
by Anis Shivani
- David Rigsbee reviews My Tranquil WAr