Issue > Poetry
Cynthia Manick

Cynthia Manick

Cynthia Manick is a Pushcart Prize nominated poet and a Cave Canem Fellow. A finalist for the Perugia Press Poetry Prize, Manick’s work has appeared in African American Review, Callaloo, DMQ Review, Kweli Journal, Muzzle Magazine, PLUCK!, Sou’wester, The Pedestal Magazine and elsewhere. She currently resides in Brooklyn, New York.

Dear Superman

Tell yourself what you will
that you wait patiently
to tip your Clark hat and jaw
to every Sara, Lois, or bright
haired Jane. Women with coiffed
hair, pink lips, and cosmetics
lightly placed. Delicate shades
that blush so nicely on paper,
TV and high resolution film.
But I see how the animal
of your body passes by
the dark girls. Girls with names
like Esther, Jaleesa, or Cantina
Rose. Girls who wear glasses
and dresses with the slip showing.
Women of strong flavors—
hot peppers between their legs
and a storm inside. Those girls
secretly stir you from liver to toenail.
And they too crave strong arms—a cape
to cradle inside, and have dreams
of sleeping between stars.


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