Issue > Poetry
Chase Samuel Berggrun

Chase Samuel Berggrun

Chase Berggrun is the author of Discontent and Its Civilizations: Poems of Erasure, winner of the 2012 jubilat Chapbook Contest, and their work has been published in Cutbank, Washington Square Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, the anthology Time You Let Me In: 25 Under 25 and elsewhere. They are Assistant Poetry Editor at Washington Square Review, and an MFA candidate in Poetry at NYU.

Cruelty Of The Morning: Bits Of A Dream

Cool light
undoes me.
I am on the bed.
I am unbuckled,
& I want
to be shelled.

The light
across my leg
clips my pale foot,
the light,
tumbling out
my ill-turned window.
I am on the bed
& full of you
& I try to wash my tongue.

You make me dream
of almond
& advancing snows
& I,
I dig through
my body,

You make me dream
of poppy,
& when I wake,
the memory
slides out
through my ear.

God in the room,
& you are
resting against my eyelid,
& soft whisper,
I hear a note,

I touch your face in the score,
I unfurl these years
& weep entirely.


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