Issue > Poetry
Adam Scheffler

Adam Scheffler

Adam Scheffler grew up in California, received his MFA in poetry from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and is currently working on finishing his PhD in English at Harvard. His poems have appeared in The American Poetry Review, The Antioch Review, The Massachusetts Review, Colorado Review and many other journals. He is the winner of River Styx’s 2014 International Poetry Contest. His work has also been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

My Other Grandparents

Drink Me, says his death.
Keep Your Head Down,
says her death. Known now through
stress-lines engraved on the brows
of three living daughters all just
over five foot tall and thirty years later.

My living grandparents trace
lineage back to Romania, shtetl,
Palestine, Abraham.

My other grandparents like a lopped limb,
a clearing, a nuptial flush of June
grasses, where they hold each other,      
bells ringing, listening to the sound
like a gunshot a long way off.


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