Issue > Poetry
Sally Bliumis-Dunn

Sally Bliumis-Dunn

Sally Bliumis-Dunn's poems have appeared in Paris Review, Plume, Poetry London, The Academy of American Poets' Poem-a-day, The Writer's Almanac and PBS NewsHour, among others. Her first two books, Talking Underwater (2007) and Second Skin, were published by Wind Publications. Her chapbook, Galapagos Poems, was published by Kattywompus Press in 2016. Her third full-length collection, Echolocation, will have its launch at AWP in March 2018.


The yard is a bright rectangle
white and orderly as a newly made bed—
like yours last June, the nurses

hurrying in with fresh white sheets right after
they carried you out
in the long black sack

that hid your body's curves and dips,
dark cloud of vinyl on a gurney    
rolling down the fluorescent halls

clanking metal wheels
as the man from the funeral home
bumped you over the last doorjamb—

and I am thinking, now
of all that hides beneath this snow,
still falling as I write this—

trowel and rake left lying on the grass,
small fallen branches,
the dog's tennis ball, worn from play.


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