Issue > Poetry
Beth Gylys

Beth Gylys

Beth Gylys, an award-winning poet and professor of Creative Writing at Georgia State University, has published three books of poetry – Sky Blue Enough to Drink, Spot in the Dark and Bodies that Hum – and two chapbooks – Matchbook and Balloon Heart. Her work has appeared in Rattle, New Republic, Barrow Street, Paris Review and many other journals and anthologies.


Silence—the gristle
on which I chewed
day after day.  

I can't describe the taste.
Have you studied the space
between leaves on a tree?

Daily, we worked in the garden
side by side. I treasured each
labored breath of my brothers,
each small grunt.

I befriended a spider in the corner
of my window—carcasses
of flies drying on the sill.

Did I meet God?  I understood less
more clearly. God's
patience—my common prayer.


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