Issue > Poetry
Matthew Carter Gellman

Matthew Carter Gellman

Matthew Gellman's poems are featured or forthcoming in Poetry Northwest, Narrative Magazine, Sugar House Review, Thrush Poetry Journal, Prelude, H.O.W. Journal, Salmagundi and elsewhere. He holds an MFA from Columbia University and lives in New York City, where he serves as Assistant Editor of Small Orange and teaches at Hunter College.

Brother with Gelding

What our mother wanted to keep
safe, she always attempted to,

pacing the white barn, talking
to the stableboy, talking to the wall.

She wanted to know for herself
what the roan had in store

for you, riding him the first time
as the pitch-pines loomed and shifted.

About autumn's unkept yard
I've dreamed your injuries erased—

your long boots glittering
as he bucked you into the gloam—

already her one blonde prayer
hardened in your ear.

Already the blackest nightsound
winnowing toward you.


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