Issue > Poetry
Stephen Harvey

Stephen Harvey

Stephen Harvey has published poems recently in Measure, Rattle, and Southwest Review as winner of the 2016 Morton Marr Prize. He is the editor of Mind to Mind, a section in the Journal of Anesthesiology dedicated to creative writing. He holds an MFA from Murray State University.

Waiting Room

A spring brought into being by the sound
of foxglove hand bells tolling in the garden
is now, in August, only to be found
in magazines forgotten in the lobby.
Coffee-ringed, their floral covers harden
as if someone, neglectful of her hobby,
forgot to water them. As I leaf through

Better Homes and Gardens, I picture you
at home among your flowers, nourishing
pink roses grown from cuttings of another,
the damask teacups, fine as china—art
you'll leave behind. I see you in them, mother,
resilient, cultivated, flourishing
while everything around you falls apart.


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