Billy Reynolds

Billy Reynolds' poems
have been published in Sewanee Theological Review,
Copper Nickel, and Dogs Singing: a Tribute Anthology (Salmon Poetry Press). His
awards include scholarships to Sewanee and Bread Loaf writers'
conferences. Currently, he lives in Tifton, Georgia, where he serves as
the interim head of the Department of Literature and Language at
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College.
Before Class
The moon looked full enough
even before he began wailing behind his office door.
Next to it was a painting of a lone hut facing a white crested sea
and a few crows, suspended in flight.
If they had stopped flapping their wings, would there have been any
"I've changed."
That's all I heard, that and his fist pounding his desk.
Outside, a few leaves clung to half-emptied trees.