Issue > Poetry
Michael Bazzett

Michael Bazzett

Michael Bazzett is the author of three poetry collections: The Interrogation (Milkweed Editions, 2017), Our Lands Are Not So Different (Horsethief Books, 2017), and You Must Remember This (Milkweed Editions, 2014). Bazzett has received the Bechtel Prize from Teachers & Writers Collaborative and a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. His translation of the Mayan creation epic, The Popol Vuh, is forthcoming from Milkweed in 2018. He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


I thought I'd been leading a life
of mild grace,
but as we walked  
it passed me
by and began to strain
at the bristling ropes
and got out well
ahead of me, half dragging
my thickened
heel-heavy gait
across the muddy fields.

All that open space
seemed to call out to its hooves
like the taut skin
on a quiet drum.

I wrapped the cord
around both hands,
and watched the rough hemp
begin to saw
a glistening rawness
into its shoulders.

My hands, too,
were cut and weeping.

Steam smoked from its
body like a coal
and then I heard
it, the gun-
shot crack of something
so I let
my life



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