Issue > Poetry
Nancy Bryan

Nancy Bryan

Nancy Bryan's poems are forthcoming in various journals, including Mudfish, Gravel and Comstock Review. Nancy has taught writing for many years in the English department at Brookdale Community College and currently teaches poetry and memoir writing in their Continuing Education department. She lives in Fair Haven, New Jersey.


Transparent green as if a leaf
dissolves, a glow. Sun melts 
the tree. Day light

lime, high in a Linden, leaf-spirits
twinkle and jitter. I think of my love
in the machine's cavern while

light from somewhere scans his body.
Let the spot be a tiny overflow, a drop of leaf-light.
Let it be a transparency, a scar one cannot feel,

a photograph of a spotted owl, nothing
darker. The sun bends the fruit branches.
Green splashes of water. One morning,

the leaves lit up at the edge of our window.
We watched them splash a while.
Dusk now and light drains from the sky.


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