Issue > Poetry
Juleen Eun Sun Johnson

Juleen Eun Sun Johnson

Juleen Eun Sun Johnson was born in Seoul, South Korea. She was adopted and taken to Valdez, Alaska. Johnson earned an MFA from Pacific Northwest College of Art. She's currently an MFA candidate in Poetry at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Her work has been published in Cirque, Nervous Breakdown, The Dunes Review, The Indianapolis Review and elsewhere. She is a MacDowell Colony Fellow. Johnson currently writes and creates art in Massachusetts.

Silent Storm

That day's snow,        silent

comes down off boughs, as new snow,        silent

only to be whisked
away as fireflies dance,        silent

into grass as children and flicker,        silent

as diamonds in the dark of a gem mine.        Silently

put your face in the white,     silent

white pillow crunch,               silent

as an angel without wings and head
without a face,           silent

1,000 frames a second,         silent
wings move, not

as hummingbirds wings,        silent
not to interrupt air, molecules

                                                                       still moving with music.



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