Issue > Poetry
Jeremy Radin

Jeremy Radin

Jeremy Radin is a poet, actor, and teacher. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Gulf Coast, Vinyl, The Journal, Passages North, Cosmonauts Avenue and elsewhere. He is the author of two collections of poetry, Slow Dance with Sasquatch (Write Bloody Publishing, 2012) and Dear Sal (Not A Cult Press, 2017). He lives in Los Angeles with his six plants and refrigerator. 

Reflective Delay

It's been determined that denial is applied
not to the Moment itself, but to the power

of the Moment—i.e. shrugging a mountain
as a shawl off the shoulders & letting it fall

like feathers to the floor. Take, for instance

a young man seated on the couch, quaffing
wine & lamenting not leaving the waitress

his number as his father's new ghost hurls
itself against his skull. Going about regular

routines: marinating the chicken, reading

the novel, taking out the trash, no eye cast
toward the cloud of black anvils hovering

over his head. His heartbeat like a fraying
rope. He buys new bedsheets—sea foam

green, so as to drown at least in loveliness,

a pastel coffin piloted into the deep, & yet
see him rise in the morning, shake the salt

from his beard, his eyes, off his numbing
limbs—is today the day? He'll shuffle into

the kitchen, read the chicken, & marinate

the novel, lay—now through—on the dark
wood floor, gathering the slats like a blanket

around & around him—artery in which he is
the occlusion, the heart of negation erupting

like a bomb in a house made of water.


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