Issue > Poetry
Jeff Lennon

Jeff Lennon

Jeff Lennon is from California. His fiction has appeared online in Slush Pile Magazine, and his essays in Full Stop and Coldfront. He reviews poetry for The Rumpus. This is his first published poem.

March, New York

The trees are still leafless
over the grey sidewalks,
underneath which the snow stains
are beginning to wash
away. I walk these walked
blocks where thousands today
went side by side, in bright
colors and banners bent
to the warmer breeze. And from
a day's use, the trash and
discarded signs lie in piles
around the street, waiting
for the clean sweep to come.
The streetlamps lit like moons
pool at the tree's base, and
above, snagged beyond reach,
balloons, the first blooms of spring.

Book Review

David Rigsbee

David Rigsbee
Gruel by Bunkong Tuon


Muriel Nelson

Muriel Nelson


Jayne Benjulian

Jayne Benjulian
Late Sketch