Issue > Poetry
Muriel Nelson

Muriel Nelson

Muriel Nelson’s publications include Part Song, the Dorothy Brunsman Poetry Prize winner (Bear Star Press), and Most Wanted, the ByLine Chapbook Award winner (ByLine Press). Nominated four times for the Pushcart Prize, her poems have appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal, The Cortland Review, Four Way Review, Front Porch Journal, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Hunger Mountain, Massachusetts Review, The New Republic, Northwest Review, Ploughshares, Seneca Review and Superstition Review.


See. Fog's forming outside, too. Its
blankness arrives there and here
out of nothing. It smothers casually,
but weakens in heat:
it comes to nothing.

When water begins its work,
one drop studs each joint of a branch's life,
thorns tear through white,
and a bold line juts forward, jagged, stiff, glazed.
Blackness glistens.

There's only a moment more.
First something blows—
Something buzzes—
Then, in overpowering sweetness,
you burst.


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