Issue > Poetry
Hayden Saunier

Hayden Saunier

Hayden Saunier is the author of three poetry collections: How to Wear This Body, Say Luck, Tips for Domestic Travel, and a chapbook, Field Trip to the Underworld. Her work has won the Rattle Poetry Prize, the Pablo Neruda Prize, Gell Poetry Award and appeared in journals including Beloit Poetry Journal, Pedestal, RHINO, and VQR. She is the founder/director of the poetry improvisation group No River Twice.

Kitchen Table

Our table's made of walls. Wide planks salvaged
from the sagging side of the house we pulled down,

boards that sheathed clapboard, were spared
from dry rot and sanded smooth by the work

of our hands. Our table's made from walls that held
a family of six before typhoid took both parents

and fostered out the children to farm families
needing help. Our table's made of old growth

forests no longer forests but now fields that offer
stone and sinew, antler, bone, tin cans, bottles,

blades, each spring a brand new crop of everything
that's come before. Our table's wood is spalted

through with death, hard luck, and joy. Our table's
made of everything, and us, and ours. Sit down and eat.


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