Feature > Poetry
Christopher Merrill

Christopher Merrill

Christopher Merrill's poetry collections include Brilliant Water and Watch Fire winner of the Academy of American Poets' Lavan Younger Poets award. He has also published translations of Aleš Debeljak, several edited volumes, and works of nonfiction. Merrill's own work has been translated into twenty-five languages. He directs the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa, and his new book, The Tree of the Doves, was published last year.
Won-Chung Kim

Won-Chung Kim

Won-Chung Kim is a professor of English Literature at Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul, South Korea. His articles on American ecopoetics appear in numerous scholarly journals. He has translated ten books of Korean poetry into English including Cracking the Shell: Three Korean Ecopoets and Heart's Agony: Selected Poems of Chiha Ki and is the co-editor of East Asian Ecocriticisms. Kim has also translated John Muir and Henry David Thoreau into Korean.

Rose Moss (English Translation)

This book concerns the story of the land of the pygmies.
You should crouch down to read it.
The only boat making landfall is a discarded shoe.
The mirror in a shard of glass is the biggest lake around.
A cat wrote mottled, grape seed-sized notes with its whiskers,
a dove left droppings in acknowledgment.
Sunflowers opened in my book,
a tiny land whose garden and wall
I water with a sprinkler.

채송화 (Original Korean)

이 책은 소인국 이야기이다
이 책을 읽을 땐 쪼그려 앉아야 한다
책속 소인국으로 건너가는 배는 오로지 버려진 구두 한 짝
깨진 조각 거울이 그곳의 가장 커다란 호수
고양이는 고양이수염으로 포도씨만한 주석을 달고
비둘기는 비둘기똥으로 헌사를 남겼다
물뿌리개 하나로 뜨락과 울타리
모두 적실 수 있는 작은 영토
나의 책에 채송화가 피어 있다
Chanho Song

Chanho Song

Chanho Song was born in 1959 and studied German Literature at Kyungpook National University. He has published four books of poetry, including The Earth Has a Rectangular Memory, An Empty Chair for Ten Years, Red Eye, Camellia, and The Night of the Cat's Return. Song has received the Kim Sooyoung (2000), the Midang (2008), and the Daesan Literary Awards (2009).


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