Feature > Poetry
Seth Michelson

Seth Michelson

Seth Michelson's most recent book of poetry is Eyes Like Broken Windows. His translation of the book of poetry El ghetto, by the internationally acclaimed Argentine poet Tamara Kamenstein, is titled El Ghetto. He also is the author of House in a Hurricane, Kaddish for My Unborn Son, and Maestro of Brutal Splendor.

the bees use their stingers (English Translation)

the bees use their stingers to carve poems into tree trunks and the grasshoppers
are beautiful with their sad attentive eyes and all that we didn't see during
winter because we believed it frozen begins to whisper and suddenly
we realize we're surrounded by beauty pure quiet beauty
which is the most glorious kind because its musicality is almost
inaudible but if one listens hard enough it can be heard like a termite
working on a violin that no one has touched in years but that
the bug makes sing in its destruction or not who knows.

las abejas tallan poemas (Original Spanish)

las abejas tallan poemas de aguijón en los troncos y los saltamontes
son lindos y de ojos tristes pero atentos y todo lo que no vimos durante
el invierno porque creímos quieto empieza a susurrar y cuando
menos nos demos cuenta estamos rodeados de belleza pura belleza
silenciosa que es la más linda porque la musicalidad que tiene es casi
inaudible pero si se está atento se puede escuchar y es como una termita
que trabaja en un violín que ya hace años nadie toca pero que
ella hace sonar destruyéndolo o no quién sabe.
Victoria Estol

Victoria Estol

Victoria Estol was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1983. She holds degrees in Sociology and Social Communication, and her first book of poetry, Bicho Bola (Yangurú, 2012), has been well received by local literary critics. She has earned a commendation from National Pablo Neruda Competition for Young Poets, and she contributed to the anthoogy Cualquiercosario, co-edited between Uruguay Yaugurú) and Spain (Libros de la imperdible).


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