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Hacker, Marilyn
- Time In Color Translated By Marilyn Hacker (Poetry, Summer 2013 Feature - Translation Feature)
- Le Temps En Couleurs By Emmanuel Moses (Poetry, Summer 2013 Feature - Translation Feature)
- Fugue On A Line Of Amr Bin M'ad Yakrib (Poetry, Winter 2011 Feature)

Haight, Robert
- Cornfield In Fog (Poetry, Issue 66)
- In Winter (Poetry, Issue 49)
- A Beautiful Snowy Day (Poetry, Issue 49)
- Walking (Poetry, Issue 49)
- Late Fall (Poetry, Issue 49)

Hall, James Allen
- Genre Theory (Poetry, Issue 84)
- Genre Theory: Family (Poetry, Issue 84)
- Creation Myth (Poetry, Issue 84)

Hall, Leilani 
- Utility (Poetry, Issue 14)
- Before Learning the Imperial War Museum Was Once B... (Poetry, Issue 14)
- Random Communication (Poetry, Issue 14)

Halperin, Mark
- A Mirror, Helsinki, Jan 1990 (Poetry, Issue 6)
- Cold Comfort (Poetry, Issue 6)
- The Muse as Lilith (Poetry, Issue 6)
- Young Ballerina on TV (Poetry, Issue 6)

Hamill, Paul
- Saint Brendan Reports To The Monks Of Iona (Poetry, Spring 2004 Feature)
- Meeting the Giant (Poetry, June 2000 Feature)

Handal, Nathalie

Hankins, Luke
- Tomorrow My Dad And I Face The Elevator (Poetry, Issue 75)
- The Dock At The End Of The World (Poetry, Issue 75)
- Please Follow the Instructions (Poetry, Issue 43)
- Walled City (Poetry, Issue 36)

Hanson, Danielle
- Why Are Dead Cockroaches Always Lying Supine? (Poetry, Issue 72)
- Heaven's a Bar in Atlanta, Expensive as Hell, and ... (Poetry, Issue 46)
- Lily (Poetry, Issue 31)

Harlow, Morgan
- Bird and Tree (Poetry, Issue 48)
- Where It Is Written on the Back of an Envelope (Poetry, Issue 48)

Haven, Cynthia L.
- Interview with Anne Stevenson (Interview, Issue 14)
- Interview with Timothy Steele (Interview, June 2000 Feature)

Haxton, Brooks 
- Let's Celebrate (Poetry, Issue 29)
- Bert, In Memory, And Herb Robert (Poetry, Issue 29)

Heaney, Seamus
- "Beowulf: A New Verse Translation", reviewed by Da... (Creative Non-Fiction, June 2000 Feature)

Heath, William 
- J.M. Spalding interviews poet William Heath (Interview, July 1999 Feature)
- Travel (Poetry, Issue 4)
- The Power of Passion (Creative Non-Fiction, Issue 3)

Hecht, Jennifer Michael
- My Guy (Poetry, Issue 28)
- Hat Trick (Poetry, Issue 28)
- Jennifer Michael Hecht's "The Next Ancient World" ... (Review, Issue 20)

Heller, Michael
- J.M. Spalding interviews Michael Heller via email (Interview, October 1998 Feature)
- Exercise on Schiele's Die Junge Frau (Poetry, Issue 4)
- A Dialogue of Some Importance (Poetry, Issue 4)
- "We can only wish valeat quantum valere potest" (Poetry, Issue 4)

Henrie, Bernard
- Winter Internment (Poetry, Issue 61)
- Lower Manhattan (Poetry, Issue 61)
- Did I Mention That My Wife Died? She Was In Spain. (Poetry, Issue 50)
- June (Poetry, Issue 49)

Hernandez, Ricardo 
- Fast (Poetry, Issue 84)
- Fluid Mechanics (Poetry, Issue 84)
- The Lovers, 1928 (Poetry, Issue 68)

Hirshfield, Jane
- Honey (Poetry, Spring 2015 Feature)
- I Profess The Uncertain (Poetry, Spring 2015 Feature)
- They Have Decided (Poetry, Spring 2015 Feature)
- Roud (Poetry, Spring 2015 Feature)
- A Handle-less Door (Poetry, Spring 2015 Feature)
- Fourth World (Poetry, Winter 2010 Feature)
- The Egg Had Frozen, an Accident. I Thought of My L... (Poetry, Winter 2008 Feature)

Hoagland, Tony
- Our Sunny Psycho: The Complex Cheerfulness Of Bill... (Essay, Issue 77)
- His Majesty (Poetry, Winter 2013 Feature)
- Abstract Expressionism (Poetry, Winter 2012 Feature)
- To Move (Poetry, Winter 2010 Feature)
- Continuing Contributions of American Poetry (Poetry, Winter 2008 Feature)
- Fragment, Juxtaposition, And Completeness: Some No... (Essay, Issue 33)

Hofmann, Richie
- Holy Week (Poetry, Issue 81)
- Field In Ohio (Poetry, Issue 81)
- Fire, Earth, Water, Air (Poetry, Issue 81)
- Kierkegaard's Grave (Poetry, Issue 81)

Holman, Amy
- Flow, Eddy, Flood (Fiction, Spring 2005 Feature)
- Amy Holman reviews Jennifer Michael Hecht's "The N... (Review, Issue 20)
- Amy Holman reviews "Of Flesh and Spirit" by Wang P... (Creative Non-Fiction, Issue 12)
- Amy Holman reviews "Voice Over" by Elaine Equi (Creative Non-Fiction, Issue 9)

Homolka, Michael
- Discipleship (Poetry, Issue 83)
- Anamnesis (Poetry, Issue 67)
- Museumish Love (Poetry, Issue 67)
- First Apartment, III (Poetry, Issue 53)

Houle, Adam
- Imperative (Poetry, Issue 47)
- Considerations for Making Odds on the Iditarod (Poetry, Issue 47)

Howard, Ben
- A morning chat with distinguished Irish Poet Eamon... (Interview, Issue 12)
- A Given Name (Poetry, Issue 8)
- Reticence (Poetry, Issue 6)
- Release (Poetry, Issue 6)
- Interrogations (Poetry, Issue 6)
- Old News (Poetry, Issue 6)

Huff, Steven
- Latch (Fiction, Issue 29)
- With Some Poets In Baltimore, 2003 (Poetry, Issue 28)
- Mirrors (Poetry, Issue 28)
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