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LaFemina, Gerry
- Thomas (Not The Broken Mouthed) Lux (Poetry, Spring 2017 Feature)
- Thomas The Broken-Mouthed (Poetry, Spring 2017 Feature)
- Waking Up Alone In April (Poetry, Winter 2014 Feature)
- Sundae Social (Poetry, Winter 2014 Feature)
- The Record Store Cat (Poetry, Spring 2011 Feature)
- The Sacrosanct (Poetry, Issue 29)
- A Week After Gandalf's Burned Down (Poetry, Issue 29)

Lambert, Steve
- Dark Turn Of Mind (Poetry, Issue 67)
- Home For The Holidays (Poetry, Issue 62)
- Poem (Poetry, Issue 62)

Laskey, Michael
- Thomas Lux (Poetry, Spring 2017 Feature)
- The Corner Of Paris And Porter (Poetry, Spring 2017 Feature)

Lauchlan, Michael
- Thaw (Poetry, Issue 65)
- Face (Poetry, Issue 57)
- Twitch (Poetry, Issue 57)
- Love In Wine Country (Poetry, Issue 51)

Laux, Dorianne
- Bed (Poetry, Spring 2015 Feature)
- Lake Havasu (Poetry, Spring 2013 Feature)
- Highway 1 (Poetry, Spring 2013 Feature)
- Zulu, Indiana (Poetry, Spring 2013 Feature)
- Letter To My Dead Mother (Poetry, Spring 2013 Feature)
- I Go To The Mall For A Knife (Poetry, Winter 2012 Feature)
- Changible Weather (Poetry, Spring 2011 Feature)
- Like Music (Poetry, Winter 2010 Feature)
- Dog Poets (Essay, Spring 2009 Feature)
- What Would You Give Up? (Poetry, Spring 2009 Feature)
- Dump Run (Poetry, Spring 2009 Feature)
- Fog (Poetry, Spring 2009 Feature)
- Emily Said (Poetry, Spring 2009 Feature)
- Mugged By Poetry (Poetry, Spring 2009 Feature)
- Why Don't We Do It in the Road (Poetry, Winter 2008 Feature)

Lawless, Daniel
- A Facebook Diarama (Poetry, Winter 2014 Feature)
- At A Dig In Kent (Poetry, Winter 2014 Feature)
- "The Gun My Sister Killed Herself With" (Poetry, Issue 64)

Lawrence, Susannah 
- Amagansett (Poetry, Issue 64)
- Rainy Sunday From An Unfamiliar Childhood (Poetry, Issue 64)

Lee, StellaSue
- James Bond Beach (Poetry, Issue 6)
- When My Wife Returns (Poetry, Issue 6)
- J.M. Spalding interviews Stellasue Lee, editor of ... (Interview, June 1998 Feature)
- Ah Men (Poetry, Issue 3)

Lehman, David
- The Way We Live Now (Poetry, Winter 2013 Feature)
- Best American Poetry on the Air: David Lehman inte... (Interview, Winter 2002 Feature)
- The Difference Between Pepsi and Coke (Poetry, Winter 2002 Feature)
- David Lehman interviews Sharon Olds as part of the... (Interview, Summer 2002 Feature)
- Companion poems with Maria Claire Leng (Poetry, October 2000 Feature)
- "The Daily Mirror", reviewed by Karen Pepper (Review, Issue 10)
- Interview with Yusef Komunyakaa (Interview, Millennium Feature)
- Tom Disch talks with David Lehman about his habit ... (Interview, September 1999 Feature)
- September 22 (Poetry, September 1999 Feature)
- October 12 (Poetry, September 1999 Feature)
- November 6 (Poetry, September 1999 Feature)
- March 22 (Poetry, Issue 7)
- April 24 (Poetry, Issue 7)
- May 1 (Poetry, Issue 7)
- "The Last Avant-Garde: The Making of the New York ... (Review, Issue 7)

Leising, Gary
- Robert Frost: A Last Put Out The Light (Poetry, Issue 58)
- On The Dictionary's Marginal Illustrations (Poetry, Issue 26)

Leonard, Rodney Terich
- The Music That Learns Us (Poetry, Issue 83)
- Hot Metal Cools Slowly Into Law (Poetry, Issue 83)
- Note From Norphenia: Everything's Out In The Open (Poetry, Issue 83)

Lerner, Linda
- imagine the sound of one hand clapping? can you? (Poetry, Issue 6)
- what is it about (Poetry, Issue 6)

Levi, Jan Heller 
- Like Every Summer (Poetry, Winter 2008 Feature)
- Circumstantial Evidence: Fall River Historical Mus... (Poetry, Issue 17)
- Tonight the Heart-Shaped Leaves (Poetry, Issue 12)

Levin, Carol
- The Light's Still On in Her Window (Poetry, Issue 45)
- The Jury's Locked in for Four Weeks (Poetry, Issue 45)
- Jazz (Poetry, Issue 35)
- You Hated to Practice (Poetry, Issue 16)

Levine, Miriam
- Feet (Poetry, Issue 14)
- Shein's Grief (Poetry, Issue 5)
- J.M. Spalding interviews Miriam Levine (Interview, July 1998 Feature)
- At the Piroska Cafe (Poetry, Issue 3)
- Cone Back (Poetry, Issue 3)
- A Day (Poetry, Issue 3)
- Homesick (Poetry, Issue 3)

Levine, Philip
- Assembly (Poetry, Winter 2011 Feature)
- Our Questions For Phil: An Interview (Interview, Winter 2009 Feature)
- Poets in Person: Philip Levine (Interview, Winter 2009 Feature)
- Distant February (Poetry, Winter 2009 Feature)
- The Privilege Of Power, 1965 (Poetry, Winter 2009 Feature)
- Assembly (Poetry, Winter 2009 Feature)
- J.M. Spalding and Guy Shahar interview Philip Levi... (Interview, Issue 7)

Lewis-Beck, Mike
- Last Supper (Poetry, Issue 70)
- The Lute Shop (Poetry, Issue 70)
- Biker Chick (Poetry, Issue 59)

Liebler, M L 
- Walking With Sun Yet Sen (Poetry, Issue 34)
- The Loneliness Of A Shadow (Poetry, Issue 34)

Lifshin, Lyn
- All Afternoon (Poetry, Issue 42)
- White Trees in the Distance (Poetry, Issue 42)
- A Day in the Life (Poetry, September 1999 Feature)
- In Those Loose Robes, Some Say Jesus was a Flasher... (Poetry, Issue 8)
- My Afternoons with Dylan Thomas (Poetry, Issue 4)
- Bosnia (Poetry, Issue 4)

Lombardo, Gian 
- The Emperor's Comet (Poetry, Issue 4)
- Shore Leave (Poetry, Issue 4)
- The Track of Water Over the Dam (Poetry, Issue 4)

Louis, Adrian C
- Song of the Snake (Poetry, Issue 3)
- Adios Again, My Blessed Angel of Thunderheads and ... (Poetry, Issue 3)

Lowe, Justin
- Cold Mountain (Poetry, Issue 79)
- Easter (Poetry, Issue 75)
- The Soldier Simply Disappears (Poetry, Issue 49)
- Gleaners (Poetry, Issue 40)
- Occam's Razor (Poetry, Issue 27)
- Condottieri (Poetry, Issue 27)
- Sultan Mehmet Receives a New Set of Quills (Poetry, Issue 25)
- Voltaire (Poetry, Issue 25)

Lux, Thomas 
- Double Barrel Sparrow (Poetry, Spring 2015 Feature)
- At The Blue Gates (Poetry, Spring 2014 Feature)
- Nullius In Verba (take Nobody's Word For It) (Poetry, Winter 2012 Feature)
- Fox (Poetry, Spring 2012 Feature)
- Like Tiny Baby Jesus, In Velour Pants, Sliding Dow... (Poetry, Winter 2011 Feature)
- The Probabalist (Poetry, Spring 2011 Feature)
- A Frozen Ball Of Rattlesnakes (Poetry, Winter 2010 Feature)
- J.M. Spalding interviews Thomas Lux (Interview, Issue 8)
- The Road That Runs Beside the River (Poetry, Issue 7)
- A Kiss (Poetry, Issue 7)
- Real Audio Greeting (Creative Non-Fiction, 1998 Holiday Special)

Lynch, Alessandra
- When The Body Drifts Off (Poetry, Issue 58)
- Small Door In The Fog (Poetry, Issue 58)
- Bird (Poetry, Issue 58)
- Panties (Poetry, Issue 58)
- Shawls (Poetry, Issue 58)
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